Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Here Is What Happened To Matisse…

Here is what happened to Matisse the first time he took up brush to paint –

“When I started to paint, I felt transported into a kind of paradise.”

He’s talking about flow. He’s talking about the right brain. He’s talking about the Buddha brain. He’s talking about conscious action. He’s talking about presence.

Art of any sort has the ability to put you into the graceful state of flow. When you are in flow, you enjoy what you’re doing. You lose self-consciousness. Your sense of time changes. It disappears completely. It stops dead in frozen, perfect moments. Or it flies.

If you’re in the Seattle area on Nov. 8th 2008, you can join us for FLOW AND THE MAGIC OF MAKING ART. Go here for details.


And do sign up to be informed of future classes.

IF YOU’RE NOT going to be in Seattle, paint. Get books on making art. Visit the libraries of the universe. Go to art museums. Paint. Draw. Sketch. Doodle. Use your right brain. You could start with the amazing book -- DRAWING FROM THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE BRAIN.

Do watch this video about the right brain done by Jill Bolte Taylor, a woman who had a brain breakdown and lost her left brain, thereby making her completely right brained. Fascinating. (Note: Oprah has some interviews with her on-line as well.)

P.S. If you are not in the Seattle area on Nov. 8th, you can learn about flow in my Life Giving Manual - THE MAGIC FORMULA -- How to Magically Attract the Life You Most Want.

Go for it =>

Obviously, even if you are in Seattle you’ll benefit immensely when you get it.

Go for it =>

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Other Thing That Happens Is…

It’s 5:17 in the DARK morning, I am half way through my workout, but I want to put my artistic vision that blossomed in my heart during the night onto paper. I want to do it NOW.

I find the paper… Do some physical therapy… breathe hard while I get the crayon… do some more PT… breathe… Oh! Blue tape, that will be good. Tape it down… more PT…

…Enough, you get the idea… The Muse had grabbed me. Again.

The other thing that happens when you engage in life in general and in art in particularly is that passion or more exactly enthusiasm fills you with god spirit. The muse grabs you with a vision and pulls you forward into life. The project must be done. The vision must be fulfilled.

Eckhart Tolle talks about three things that fulfill the goal of staying present while DOING -- Acceptance, Enjoyment, or Enthusiasm. (Do you remember that ENTHUSIASM means to have God within. Cool, right?)

One of the indicators that you are in flow is – enjoy what you’re doing.

Flow is the antidote to fear. Obviously, you have noticed the fear mongers are at work in the world…

Stop listening to them. Stop it.

Be in flow more.

You can learn about flow in my class -- Flow and the Magic of Making Art.

Join us – Flow and the Magic of Making Art -- A One Day Class, Nov. 8, 2008

You can find details and register here =>

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If you are not in the Seattle area on Nov. 8th you can learn about flow in my Life Giving Manual – THE MAGIC FORMULA -- How to Magically Attract the Life You Most Want.

Go for it =>

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You can also see some pretty art and a story about my father and art.

Even if you don’t want to take the class or live on another continent.

=> click through to the class.

*** PLEASE ***

While you’re there, sign up for the no-obligation class notification list and I will let you know about classes I offer. If you don’t want to know about classes, don’t sign up. Fair enough?

You can join the list or the class here =>

Antidote your fears – get into flow.



Friday, October 10, 2008

The Sky Is Falling?

Do you remember the story? An acorn falls and bops Chicken Little on the head. She panics and dashes around shouting, “The sky is falling! The sky is falling! The sky is falling!” She vows to tell the king and sets off on her journey.

One after the other, she convinces her friends that the sky is falling. She tells them she has evidence that she has heard with her own ears and seen with her own eyes and even a bit of sky hit her in the head. And off they go to see the king who will certainly help them. Along the way they meet Foxy Loxy who offered to show them the way to the king…

He showed them into his den and ate them all up.

In times of scary news reports, what do you do?

I rely on clear headed friends and mentors who show me the BIG picture. I want a perspective that lets me see a bigger, longer term picture clearly. In the financial crisis of 2008, when the news was screaming, “The sky is falling!” The CEO of Vanguard Funds did just that in a little video.

He showed a graph of the single day loss of 20% that occurred back in 1987 (I think). Can you imagine? It’s a terrifying downward spike. Then he pulls back and shows the BIG picture. You can hardly see a blip on the graph. The sky didn’t fall.

You can have a life you wholeheartedly love -- body and soul. Really.

I can help you.

Become a member of Body & Soul Mentor the next time I open the doors for $9.97/month. You can get on the no-obligation waiting list and get a cool podcast that will remind you of what’s truly important.

Go for it =>


Go for it =>



P.S. In times of fear mongering media I recommend my Life Giving Manual – Simply Serene -- Four Amazingly Powerful Ways to Be Instantly Alert and at Peace

Go for it = >

Sunday, October 05, 2008

What Are You About, Dear One

Josh, a new reader, asked me such a challenging question I thought I’d pass it on to you.

Here’s his question, “In one great sentence tell me what you believe you are about?”

The form of the question raises other issues about believing, so for this exercise I abbreviated the question to:

In one great sentence, what are you about?

One of the questions I ask my patients is -- who is the you that you refer to. If you don’t think there are multiple versions of you, then you have not been paying attention.

So, who is the YOU in the question – what are YOU about. Give an answer for each of your voices.

Here are my responses from the different voices.

My first two responses – as a therapist/mentor.

· I am about helping people to live a life they wholeheartedly love.

· I am about helping people to love their journey through life.

Version three – my core?

· I am about living in Presence and Love and acting on what arises there.

Version four and five – from one of my wounded children

· I am about being right. Or more exactly, I am about not being wrong.

· I am about getting Mom and/or Dad’s approval, and your approval as a substitute.

Version six – as a healthy child

· I am about play. Playing with you. Playing outdoors. Playing alone.

Versions multiple non-verbal responses –

· I opine that all art is a self-portrait. You can look at my sacred landscapes and consider them as self-portraits. What can you tell from these?

Your Turn -- Try the Exercise

In one great sentence, fill in the blank –

I am about ________________.

Listen to your internal voices then fill in the blank for each of them.

What have you learned? What is revealed? Was this hard to do?

Live long and prosper,



You get - One Dozen Life-Giving Secrets on How the Wise Entrepreneur Sustains and Nourishes Body & Soul While Caring for a Business

And for a limited time, until October 9th 2008 you get two powerful options.

Go for it =>

P.P.S. You have my permission to share this story with no more than three people.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

You’ll Love This Brain Storm

Before I tell you what my brainstorm is and how you can save money, get my focused attention, solid information, and heart filling inspiration to help you live a life you wholeheartedly love, I’ll give you a story.

I was thinking about -- The Are-You-Kidding-Me Great Option – For One Dollar More… Option Two I am giving you for THE WHOLESOME ENTREPRENEUR Launch.

You get One Dozen Life-Giving Secrets on How the Wise Entrepreneur Sustains and Nourishes Body & Soul While Caring for a Business. And for $1 Dollar more you get a membership that gives all my Laser Focused Reports and Life Giving Manuals as a member.

A value of at least $121 for a buck. Now that’s Cool. Right?

But I thought, “Hey! Why not just let people sign up for a membership at $9.97 as Option Two? They’d get all my manuals and reports – that I normally sell for $121-- for becoming a member.”

“Are you nuts, William?! You can’t give away the store,” my business voice said.

“Sure, I can. It’s my store,” my generous self said. “Obviously, I want people to get my focused attention, the best information, and heart filling inspiration I can give them so they can live a life they wholeheartedly love.”

So there you have it. My generous self won. Clearly, you win, too.

You get to choose –

Option One -- Get the INCREDIBLE Wholesome Entrepreneur - One Dozen Life-Giving Secrets on How the Wise Entrepreneur Sustains and Nourishes Body & Soul While Caring for a Business at $27. Without the membership.

Option Two -- The Are-You-Kidding-Me Great Option – Become a member of Body & Soul Mentor for $9.97. (Automatically, renews every 30 days at $9.97.)

You get my focused attention, information, and inspiration to help you live a life you wholeheartedly love for $9.97/mo. Obviously, I priced this so it would be easy for you to continue being a member.

Be sure you read all the details before you decide which option works best for you


Go for it


If you want more brainstorm-news-flashes about becoming a member be sure get on this no-obligation waiting list – The Journey Begins. I will keep you posted on ways you can join.




P.S. HEADS UP: The two options launch Oct 2nd at 6:00 AM PDT. Option Two ends Oct 9, 2008 at 7:00 PM PDT or when 200 new members have joined whichever happens first.

Announcing the Launch of The Wholesome Entrepreneur

When I was putting my affairs in order for my surgery last winter (when doing major surgery there is always a chance, however small, of not making it), I updated my wills and I wrote like mad to finish The Wholesome Entrepreneur. I wanted to leave it as a legacy for my daughters, both entrepreneurs, and to the massage profession. I finished it before I went under general anesthetic.

Obviously, as we all expected, I survived. And I have this Life Giving Manual for you now.

I launch The Wholesome Entrepreneur, on October 2nd at 6:00 AM PDT.

The subtitle describes the book well –

One Dozen Life-Giving Secrets on How the Wise Entrepreneur Sustains and Nourishes Body & Soul While Caring for a Business

I’ve learned the hard way, curled up on the floor in a fetal position that the self-employed don’t take care of themselves very well. They need help. This manual shows them easy steps and some more challenging ones that can save their lives.

Crash and burn is not pretty. Despair sucks. You and I want people who can thrive over decades of entrepreneurship. You want them to be able to sustain this life of freedom. Right?

I have helped many people to stay sane and thrive over my thirty plus years as a therapist and mentor. It’s mythic, even when people are making good money, they still need help staying whole.


"Give me one day and I'll show you how to have a rich, rewarding, life connected to the Sacred while running a business.”

When you get your copy of this amazing manual, The Wholesome Entrepreneur -- One Dozen Life-Giving Secrets on How the Wise Entrepreneur Sustains and Nourishes Body & Soul While Caring for a Business you'll discover amazing secrets like ...

What the Zen master from the 6th C has to say that will change your life. Just think about getting a powerful tip like this.

· The ultimate perspective clearing device. And if you’re reading this you know – Perspective Is Everything.

· How to gain inspiration to solve any problem in your business... This one's really cool!

· Where to find true joy in your business. Wouldn’t that be useful?

· How to have unlimited energy for life.

· How to be in alignment with the Sacred and feel supported in all you do.

· And much, much more ...


“GREAT! It's like you wrote it for me! :)

"I never would have become an entrepreneur without the tools I learned from William years ago. It blows my mind that ANYONE can learn these life saving tips in a manual.

“For those of you who WANT to be entrepreneurs, you will learn how to remove the blocks from preventing you from realizing your dreams. Hint: There is one secret in this book that says “Just get to work!”

“William’s techniques take the whole human into account and really work.

“For those who ARE entrepreneurs, you will learn what you need to do to keep yourself sane, healthy and happy. There is no way your business will ever be sustainable without following Williams 12 Secrets.

“If you want to start your own business or already own one, you’d be insane not to read The Wholesome Entrepreneur."

-John Gallagher, L.Ac. , ( )



Buy The Wholesome Entrepreneur outright and gain the benefits,

Or for ONE DOLLAR MORE you can become a member and get everything I have ever written.

You can read details, watch a short video, and get samples here --

Go for it =>



P.S. Remember you can’t get the book or join until the launch date of October 2nd at 6:00 AM PDT.

P.P.S. You have my permission to share this story with no more than three people.