Friday, September 21, 2012

Altar Making Superb Promotional Price

You have heard that I’ve reduced the prices on all my Kindle Books.  It’s true. 

They’re all $2.99. (2.99 Euros or 2.99 Pounds)

EXCEPT FOR –… drum roll…

As a promotion, I have enrolled Altar Making in Kindle Select and dropped the price even further. 

It’s now $.99 (.99 Euros -- .99 Pounds) 

And if you have Amazon Prime, obviously, you can borrow it at no cost because it’s in the Kindle Select program. 


Thank You in Advance 

Thanks in advance for downloading this book.   

Please be kind and REVIEW this books on Amazon. 

I need your feedback to make the next version better.  

Thank you so much.

Don’t know how?  Here’s how to review --

Go to the book’s page on  Scroll down to the last review and click the Write a customer review button.  If you’re not logged in, Amazon will ask you to login now. 

Give it a star rating.  (I like 5 stars.)  Then a title for your review.  Finally enter your review.  You can do a video review or written. 

Tip:  I always type my review in MS Word so the spelling and typos get checked and then I copy and paste that into Amazon. 

Go for it => Altar Making 

Walk in beauty, and thanks, again, 


P.S. You can find all of my books and some other cool stuff at my Amazon Author’s Page.