A famous British stage actor used to be horribly frightened before each performance.
One day someone kindly inquired, “How’s your body feel when you’re about to go on stage, when you say you have stage fright? What are the sensations you feel. Just what your senses tell you. Don’t label the sensations.”
“Hmm,” he pondered. “Well, my heart’s racing, I’m breathing high up in my body. I’m on edge…”
“And how do you feel when you’re excited?” his friend continued.
“Oh! It’s the same.”
So, from thenceforth, whenever he was preparing to go on stage and the old stage fright would ramp up, he would just say, “Jeepers, I’m excited.” And he’d be fine.
Try it the next time you’re feeling fear about a new adventure. Just say to yourself, “Holy moly, I’m excited.”
P.S. Woof! That’s me doing a lot of heavy lifting UPGRADING Body & Soul Mentor. I am really close to launching the site on the July 24th at 6:00 AM PDT.
A favor: although, I think Body & Soul Mentor site it terrific, I want to be sure I have included everything you might want.
I have all my books, Laser Focused reports, and manuals on the site available to members at zero cost.
I have the new videos posted. (Many wrote about how much they liked the last one on Dave’s Knee.)
Moving, powerful podcasts are available for members.
You’ll find the stories and articles are organized beautifully. I have IMPROVED guided tours available to make it easy for people to get around.
In short, there are lots of goodies available to members who will be glad to pay the low monthly fee of $14.97 or $17.97… I haven’t decided yet.
But, this is where you come in… please take a couple of minutes to respond to this SUPER SHORT survey. Really. There are only two questions I need you to answer.
I you would be so kind
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P.P.S. Please pass this post on to anyone you think might benefit from it.