After years of providing valuable service to members of Body and Soul Mentor including providing wonderful life Giving Manuals & Programs, special videos, and podcasts the stage has gone dark.
Body & Soul Mentor website has closed. You can’t be a member any longer.
You won’t’ be able to get any of the products on the open market any longer.
Certainly, it’s been a good run. However, it’s time for a new Body & Soul Mentor to arise. In the next few weeks I’ll be putting the finishing touches on the new Body & Soul Mentor member website.
The rallying cry is, “More fun, less cost.”
This is more fun for you and for me. Lower costs for me. Lower costs for me mean that I can lower your monthly fees. So it’s lower costs for you and for me.
For less than the price of a Netflix membership or a Sunday paper subscription, a membership in Body & Soul Mentor supports you on your journey to living a life you love wholeheartedly - body & soul – while making a difference in your world.
For decades, I have lovingly mentored people, just like you, on their sacred journey with encouragement, inspiration, insights, and magical resources.
Here’s a preview of the programs and manuals you’ll get as a member, if you choose to join.
While you stay tuned for The Grand Opening of the new Body & Soul Mentor…
Walk in beauty,
And if you’re the one that’s been buying them, thank you. Amazon doesn’t tell me who to thank – sad but a good idea to protect your privacy.