Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Your Buddha Brain

If you’ve been paying attention, you know one of the Four Alluring Paradigms that I have is: Upgrading Your Right Brain (

Neuroanatomist, Jill Bolte Taylor, had an opportunity few brain scientists would wish for: One morning, she realized she was having a massive stroke. As it happened -- as she felt her brain functions slip away one by one, speech, movement, understanding -- she studied and remembered every moment. This is a powerful story about how our brains define us and connect us to the world and to one another.

Watch this wondrous, passionate video =>

Briefly, the right brain is concerned only with right here right now. It thinks in pictures. It learns kinesthetically through the movement of your body. The right brain is at one with all that is.

In this moment, we are perfect. We are beautiful. We are whole.

Left brain is concerned with past and future. And it thinks it is separate from everything else in the universe -- William Wittmann, therapist, teacher, writer.

Imagine not experiencing any brain chatter, no AM talk-radio harangue. That’s what happened when her stroke shut down her left hemisphere. She found Nirvana and was living there.

Imagine now, choosing to be in that right hemisphere any time you want.

You can. Owl Eyes, that I explain in both the following books, will do that for you. You can do it easily. It’s part of how the brain works.

Be enlightened.

Simply Serene - Four Amazingly Powerful Ways to Be Instantly Alert and at Peace

Go for it = >

Looking Deeply into Presence -- Solve Problems, Make Critical Decisions, and Create an Extraordinarily Rich Life
This too =>
Obviously, I guarantee both books.

I have many more ways to connect to the right brain on membership site.
Join us =>
Watch the video (, get the books.



P.S. A magic message from Uncle Mike --

If you ask me, {!firstname_fix}, I'd say the main thing to keeping the main thing the main thing, is reminding yourself as often as you can of where the most joy will come from.

Ain't no thing –
The Universe

If you aren’t getting these magic messages from Uncle Mike, read my review of Mike’s goodies including this fabulous freebee.
Go for it = >

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Magic with Oprah and Eckhart Tolle

I struggle with my own craziness all the time. When I’m crazy, I am living inside of my mind listening to a strident voice harangue over a tinny radio urging me to blame my closest friends and my wife for my troubles.

If I take the time to get present -- and I know lots of ways to do that – I return to a connection with the Present and Presence. I become sane. I am happy and serene.

Eckhart Tolle who penned the best seller The Power of Now wrote a follow up book – A New Earth. He is teaming up with Oprah to bring you live webcasts to talk about this stuff. Watch them or download them as podcasts. Cost = $0.0.

I recommend you watch at least one to get a deeper feel for who these folks are. Then you can podcast if you want.

You’ll have to register at Oprah’s and download a special viewer before you can watch these. And there are ads. No sweat, it’s easy.

It will be worth it, I promise.



P.S. Simply Serene - Four Amazingly Powerful Ways to Be Instantly Alert and at Peace will serve you well if you want some guaranteed ways to become present. I talk about the famous Owl Eyes in depth in this book.

Go for it = >