Wednesday, May 03, 2006

The Simple Science of Getting What You Want

I have found a program with the unfortunate name -- Simpleology - Simple Science of Getting What You Want by Mark Joyner and it seems to be pretty darned useful.

This program has such merit that I have replaced my other planning tools for this one. For that’s what this is – a great planning tool for getting what you want in life.

The big axiom in life coaching is:

Do more of what works and less of what doesn’t.

Simple? The hard part is noticing what works and deciding to change. Simpleology and any good coach helps you to do these very things – notice, observe, decide, change, then continually repeat the process.

Because Simpleology performs so well for me, I recommend it to you and all my private clients.

I think it is especially useful for people making big shifts in their lives. I used it to launch my private member web site, Body & Soul Mentor, in record time. The process would have taken twice as long without it.

Mark Joyner, the creator, claims you will double or triple your effectiveness. I agree. And that’s no small accomplishment in my case. I was already disciplined, focused, and effective.

The training program consists of written material, recorded material, short Power Point lessons of about 3-5 minutes, and amusing quizzes.

I do recommend you follow his directions and do all the steps. I did. Simpleology works best when you do the whole package.

To my surprise, it is fun. Get into it, and it’s a hoot. More good news…

Simpleology is a free program, and they will invite you to purchase what I bet you will discover to be valuable products along the way. I haven’t tried any of the other stuff, so I won’t say. I can and will say that I have gotten good value from everything of Mark Joyner’s that I have used. Furthermore, Mark Joyner teaches and acts on the principle of the 100% money back guarantee. You will have nothing to lose by trying his offers.

You can get it all here:


My guess is The Simple Science of Getting What You Want will change your life and help you hit your targets. I am excited about what it is doing for me -- Better focus, fewer distractions, more oomph, confidence and excitement.



P.S. Feel free to pass the link on to others, or the whole letter for that matter.