Monday, October 07, 2013

Kindle Invites You to Heaven

Here's the press release for my book. I thought you might enjoy it:

Seattle, WA, USA.  “An invitation to step across a threshold into an unknown place that turned out to be heaven,” Dr. Alexandra Gayek, an early reviewer said.  William Wittmann’s newest Kindle book, Drawing the Sacred will be available for free download until 11:59 PM PST Oct. 9, 2013.
“What does that mean?” I asked Wittmann.
“This book shows people how to connect to the Sacred by using tricks that artist’s use.  And if you practice these ideas for a bit, you move into the Kingdom of Heaven that Jesus and the Buddha talked about.
“It’s pretty cool,” Wittmann said.  “The book has lots of stories, one for each painting or drawing in the book.  They’re there to be illustrations of connection.  Not so much to be illustrations of great art.  In fact I intended them to be simple enough that people could feel safe about trying to draw or paint for themselves.”
In my interview with William, he wanted to remind us that people can download  Kindles on any computer, phone, or iPad.  “Amazon wisely provides free software right from the book’s page,” he said.
And as Dr. Gayek said, “Drawing the Sacred is the most delicious one yet.”  (This is Wittmann’s 15th book.)
You can get the book here
Remember the FREE book offer ends Oct. 9th at midnight PST.  Seattle Time.

Walk in beauty,


P.S. Pass this on to your friends, please.