Friday, December 19, 2008


Another 50 -Word Story

There is a time in autumn when the leaves on the sycamores
start to dry, the wind blows. Listen to the rustle sweep
over you. Soon, your body sings, you rustle. You blow
through the trees across the meadow. You hear. If,
perchance, the flicker calls now, you will disappear.

What grabs you and pulls you deep into the present?

What bird song or bird call does it for you?

What animal always makes you pause and draw a quick breath when it crosses your path?

When were you so moved? How long has it been?

Go outside. Today. Get some Sacred connections.



P.S. SIMPLY SERENE - Four Amazingly Powerful Ways to Be Instantly Alert and at Peace -- will serve you well if you want some guaranteed ways to become present. I talk about the famous Owl Eyes in depth in this one.

Go for it = >

P.P.S. You have my permission to share this story with no more than three people.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Inaugurate the Wondrous

Kim Ivy of Embrace the Moon and I met to inaugurate our plans for the class we’re crafting for you – Body & Soul Inauguration.

You may have read that we’re presenting a class on January 3rd at Kim’s Dojo (training hall) in wonderfully vibrant downtown Ballard.

Kim and I enjoy each other’s company and we have fun together. We invite each other to be simultaneously more playful and more profound. Your presence will fuel this creative fire.

Here’s how you might benefit… Creative magic will sizzle and you can play along with this energy to open doors, make changes, heal, find joy, and unknown wonders to be revealed.

Hey, what’s inaugurate mean anyhow?

Here’s what one dictionary says – other than the presidential version on the 20th. – 3. To open or begin use of formally with a ceremony; dedicate. The Latin root does come from – to auger. Auger is what soothsayers do by reading the signs and portents. If you’re like us, you are reading the signs of paradigm changes.

Kim and I are formally, that is with clear intention, going to help you to inaugurate a blessed era as you step into this new world that is forming around you, right now.

Ask yourself – what do you want to dedicate yourself to in this new world. What do you want to bring forth.

I am dedicating myself to living from my heart. This is not a new idea, even for me, but a deepening and a renewal of dedication.

We are crafting tools to help you connect to the profound and joyous realms of your heart to bring forth something that will serve you in years to come.

You will gain tools you can use everyday to stay connected to your deep center.

You will have fun.

Obviously, you may feel challenged when you move outside your comfort zone.

The real fun is just outside your comfort zone - Pat O'Bryan

You can read more details here

>> REGISTER BY CALLING KIM AT (206) 789-0993 <<

I’ll leave you with this gentle conceit –

I just watched Henry V where Henry stirs the troops to noble action in the face of a fearsome horde. The exhausted English faced a much larger mass of fresh French troops who defended their own soil. It was impossible.

Henry ends by saying – pity those who were not here on this day of glory.

Will they be sorry to have missed this opportunity to inaugurate this wondrous on-going intent into the new world?

You can watch the famous scene (less than four minutes.) –

Join us.

>> REGISTER BY CALLING KIM AT (206) 789-0993 <<



P.S. If you think this class will benefit friends, please forward this email to them.