Thursday, August 11, 2011

Notes from the Universe

I love these FREE daily emails I get.  I love them so much I forward specifically inspiring ones to my girls.  I save the ones that move me so I can go back and get another boost.   

They help to reboot my thinking.

Here’s a recently poignant one to me as I work on healing shame in myself and in clients. 

To some, on other planets, William, you get more done in a single day than they do in an entire year.

On this planet, however, getting things done has been confused with worthiness.

I guess that pretty much answers the intelligent life question.

You're still out of this world,
The Universe

Notice, the note uses my name.  When you get yours, it will use your name.

You can even ask the Notes to the Universe emails to address your personal goals.   

See below -- 

These goals will occasionally be woven into your private emails!

IMPORTANT!!!! Complete the sentence using proper English. DO NOT refer to yourself using words like "ME", "MY", "I", "OUR" or end the sentence with punctuation. DO use colorful adjectives, like fabulous, awesome, etc. 

I "now" have my own _____________________________________. 

I will soon _______________________________________________.

Is that cool?  I’m going to update my account with this new option. 

Clients love them.  I love them.  I highly recommend them to anyone wanting to be inspired and motivated for getting the most out of their life.  

Best of all, they're free.

Click here to find out more and join the 400,000 others who now receive them! 
 Walk in beauty, 


P.S. Obviously, you’ve noticed that the main stream news creates fear and hopelessness.  Doesn’t it make sense to have a tiny antidote arriving in your email box every morning? 

Clearly it does.  Get some good news.
P.P.S. Obviously, you can cancel your Notes any time.