Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Oh, I See Your Problem

“Oh, I see your problem,” Zen Master says, “The trouble you have is that you think you have time.”


Who’s the “you” Zen Master addresses? To which “you” does the master refer? It’s not your Buddha mind, now, is it? It’s not the wise inner sage. It’s your personality, your ego identity, your ego mind.

Your ego has a couple of jobs, at least.

One: Always be right. Justify if you need. Be delusional if you need. Be right by being wrong if you need. Just be right.

Two: Keep the knowledge of your certain mortality at bay.

I have written before about using the phrase – today is a good day to die. Today’s quote is another take on this wake up call.

How can you use it to wake up? How can you use it to be joyful in this very moment? Instead of waiting for some event in the future, as when I win the lottery, when I marry/divorce, when I get the promotion, when my parents, spouse, boss, best friend apologizes or they approve of me.

It might be instructive for you to look inside and discover the circumstance for which you’re waiting. What needs to improve before you get to be wholeheartedly happy in this very moment?

And What Pray Tell Would Be The Best Use Of Your Limited Time?

Obviously, I recommend you use any strategy you have to become present, to become conscious of this present moment. Right here. Right now.

· Meditate
· Practice taiji
· Be still
· Watch your breathing

You can find wonderful suggestions in my books
SIMPLY SERRENE ( and LOOKING DEEPLY INTO PRESENCE ( including the guaranteed Owl Eyes method.

FOOLPROOF RELAXATION ( offers another way. (Note: SIMPLY SERENE contains an early version of FOOLPROOF RELAXATION.)

All three carry satisfaction guarantees. Go for it–

Simply Serene =>
Looking Deeply into Presence =>
Foolproof Relaxation =>

Byron Katie’s book, LOVING WHAT IS can be very useful. More later.

