Friday, May 13, 2011

Sacred Oatmeal???

In the first of our four Living with Magicality
conversations Krysta Gibson talks about a
surprisingly, cool transformational tool – eating
oatmeal. (

“How’s that?” you ask?

It is cool, and I use it too. It reminds me of
the silly joke – Buddha goes up to the hot dog
vendor and says, “Make me one with everything.”

Ho HoHo.

As you are eating your oatmeal or your food of
choice, consider …

Where did it come from? How many people were
involved to bring you your breakfast?

Maybe a spouse. Certainly, farmers. And
truckers. And the guys that built and maintained
the tractor. And the guys that made the tires for
the tractor. And the guys that delivered the
tires to the tractor plant. It goes on…

And Nature cooperated to bring you your breakfast.

All the waters of the world danced their water
cycle to make the rain that watered the fields.

And the earth that carries the soil. Where did it
come from? Well, it came from an exploding star.

That same star created every atom in your body.

If you see clearly, everything in the universe
works in harmony to bring you your breakfast. You
are very special. And you are one with

Find out how the Living with Magicality Program
can benefit you.

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Be sure to listen to the sample on the page.

Go for it =>

And let your breakfast bless you,


P.S. Pass this on to your peeps, please.
: )