It’s 5:17 in the DARK morning, I am half way through my workout, but I want to put my artistic vision that blossomed in my heart during the night onto paper. I want to do it NOW.
I find the paper… Do some physical therapy… breathe hard while I get the crayon… do some more PT… breathe… Oh! Blue tape, that will be good. Tape it down… more PT…
…Enough, you get the idea… The Muse had grabbed me. Again.
The other thing that happens when you engage in life in general and in art in particularly is that passion or more exactly enthusiasm fills you with god spirit. The muse grabs you with a vision and pulls you forward into life. The project must be done. The vision must be fulfilled.
Eckhart Tolle talks about three things that fulfill the goal of staying present while DOING -- Acceptance, Enjoyment, or Enthusiasm. (Do you remember that ENTHUSIASM means to have God within. Cool, right?)
One of the indicators that you are in flow is – enjoy what you’re doing.
Flow is the antidote to fear. Obviously, you have noticed the fear mongers are at work in the world…
Stop listening to them. Stop it.
Be in flow more.
You can learn about flow in my class -- Flow and the Magic of Making Art.
Join us – Flow and the Magic of Making Art -- A One Day Class, Nov. 8, 2008
You can find details and register here =>
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If you are not in the Seattle area on Nov. 8th you can learn about flow in my Life Giving Manual – THE MAGIC FORMULA -- How to Magically Attract the Life You Most Want.
Go for it =>
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You can also see some pretty art and a story about my father and art.
Even if you don’t want to take the class or live on another continent.
=> click through to the class.
*** PLEASE ***
While you’re there, sign up for the no-obligation class notification list and I will let you know about classes I offer. If you don’t want to know about classes, don’t sign up. Fair enough?
You can join the list or the class here =>
Antidote your fears – get into flow.
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