Sunday, October 05, 2008

What Are You About, Dear One

Josh, a new reader, asked me such a challenging question I thought I’d pass it on to you.

Here’s his question, “In one great sentence tell me what you believe you are about?”

The form of the question raises other issues about believing, so for this exercise I abbreviated the question to:

In one great sentence, what are you about?

One of the questions I ask my patients is -- who is the you that you refer to. If you don’t think there are multiple versions of you, then you have not been paying attention.

So, who is the YOU in the question – what are YOU about. Give an answer for each of your voices.

Here are my responses from the different voices.

My first two responses – as a therapist/mentor.

· I am about helping people to live a life they wholeheartedly love.

· I am about helping people to love their journey through life.

Version three – my core?

· I am about living in Presence and Love and acting on what arises there.

Version four and five – from one of my wounded children

· I am about being right. Or more exactly, I am about not being wrong.

· I am about getting Mom and/or Dad’s approval, and your approval as a substitute.

Version six – as a healthy child

· I am about play. Playing with you. Playing outdoors. Playing alone.

Versions multiple non-verbal responses –

· I opine that all art is a self-portrait. You can look at my sacred landscapes and consider them as self-portraits. What can you tell from these?

Your Turn -- Try the Exercise

In one great sentence, fill in the blank –

I am about ________________.

Listen to your internal voices then fill in the blank for each of them.

What have you learned? What is revealed? Was this hard to do?

Live long and prosper,



You get - One Dozen Life-Giving Secrets on How the Wise Entrepreneur Sustains and Nourishes Body & Soul While Caring for a Business

And for a limited time, until October 9th 2008 you get two powerful options.

Go for it =>

P.P.S. You have my permission to share this story with no more than three people.

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