Friday, November 11, 2011

Don’t Get My Kindle Book Yet

Amazon Kindle has just published my book--  

But don’t get this book yet. 

I’ll tell you why on November 25th 

Here's What Successful Entrepreneur, John Gallagher, Says about The Wholesome Entrepreneur – 

"I never would have become an entrepreneur without the tools I learned from William years ago. It blows my mind that ANYONE can learn these life saving tips in a manual. 

"For those of you who WANT to be entrepreneurs, you will learn how to remove the blocks from preventing you from realizing your dreams. Hint: There is one secret in this book that says "Just get to work!" 

"William's techniques take the whole human into account and really work. 

"For those who ARE entrepreneurs, you will learn what you need to do to keep yourself sane, healthy and happy. There is no way your business will ever be sustainable without following Williams 12 Secrets. 

"If you want to start your own business or already own one, you'd be insane not to read The Wholesome Entrepreneur." 

And Roger A. Rosenblatt MD, Vice Chair, Department of Family Medicine, U. Washington said:

“William, I never told you how much I enjoyed your book; I think it is brilliant. Practical, funny, and enormously supportive. You write like a dream.”

The book is great.  The full description at Amazon will help you to decide if it’s a fit for you. 

Go check it out.  See if it resonates with you. 

Walk in beauty, 


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