Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Lighthearted & Free

Today’s Oracle

My software angels choose this oracle quote for you today: 


If you bring forth that which is within you,
Then that which is within you
Will be your salvation.
If you do not bring forth that which is within you
Then that which is within you
Will destroy you.
         - Gnostic Gospel

You can use my Potent Quotes Oracle page whenever you need help.  Hold a question in your heart, and see what quote comes up for you when you scroll down.  It will be a response to your question.  Play with it.

Quotations act as little doorways into new worlds and new perceptions. They consist of distilled genius. 

Get the Wizard's Handbook on Oracle Creation and have fun with oracles. 

Lighthearted & Free

Humans make stories that scare us.  With the rare exception of fear caused by something in the present, all your fears come from stories you make up or adopt.

Heading into surgery recently, I had a handful of stories that scared me.  Here are a few, imagine…

1.       What if I wake up during the surgery?  A friend gave me this one.

2.      What if my practice doesn’t survive being away for a month?

3.      What if the spinal anesthetic gets screwed up and I am paralyzed?

Can you see the pictures?  Feel the stories unfold from those premises?  I can.

To antidote my internal fear poisons, I worked with metta, loving kindness meditations.  I looked for phrases that just brought up pictures I wanted.

I came up with this one:

May I be lighthearted and free.

You can feel the freedom and happiness in that, right?

What phrases would you make up to keep you in alignment with the best flows of the universe?

Go back and read the quote for today.  It fits. 

You Can Help a Complete Stranger.  How?

Book reviews on Amazon make the books more visible to browsers.  When you review one of my books, it ranks higher and therefore has a greater chance of being found.

If you like my work, and presumably you do as you’re reading this right now, then you can help get these precious ideas out into the world by reviewing my books.

This applies to any of the books that I’ve written, but for right now it applies to Altar Making: An Active Meditation for Healing Your Heart and for Deepening Spiritual Meaning in Your Life because I dropped the normal price.

1.       If you’ve already read the book, please review it now.  Go here to review Altar Making

2.      If you haven’t read the book, you can get it at a reduced price right now of $0.99.  Get it, read it, and review it.

3.      Wait until Altar Making book giveaway starting on Nov. 23, then get it and review it.

Thanks for considering reviewing the book and helping other readers.

Go here to review Altar Making.  Or to read other people’s reviews. 

Playful Altar Video

You can watch me make a playful altar in my YouTube video.

May you be lighthearted and free,


P.S. Please let your friends know about the lower price and the upcoming giveaway.

P.P.S. Get Notified: Have you filled in your email at the top right corner yet?  Do it now while you’re here.  Obviously, you can unsubscribe anytime if it doesn’t serve you.


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