Thursday, July 30, 2009

How to Hear Your Calling

Most people have forgotten that vocation comes from a Latin word meaning – calling. To them, their vocation is their job. To me, Deep Wealth must include doing work you’re called to do. Work that takes your unique gifts and native genius and applies them fruitfully and delightfully – with just the right amount of challenge. Work that cares for your body and soul.

Of the many benefits to the Get Wealthy First Program, perhaps the most useful, is that the whole second part of the Get Wealthy First Program Manual helps you to hear your true calling.

No doubt, you’ve heard me say before, if you follow this Zen aphorism you’ll be happy –

There is no-where to go.

And there is no-thing to do.

There is a third part – AND FOLLOW YOUR CALLING. It’s unstated, because in Buddhism, it goes without saying.

So I will say it – And follow your calling.

Do you know how to do that? Many if not all cultures have ways to find your calling – pilgrimages and vision quests – to name two. We have lost that ability in this modern era. We have collapsed the soulless idea of making money with a true calling. (Nothing wrong with making tons of money, it’s just not the goal.)

Get the Get Wealthy First Program and you will find the most potent way I know to discover your true path, one that leads to Deep Wealth, that I know.

Here Are Other Ways The Get Wealthy First Program Can Help You

The program shows you how you can stop worrying and beat the recession. Obviously, this alone is worth a fortune.

It shows you how you can generate Deep Wealth every day. Easily.

You will feel more affectionate to everyone. Obviously, this makes you more appealing and attractive. Clearly, this brings possibilities your way.

It reveals how you can have Deep Wealth SPENDING NO MONEY to get it. Obviously, other than the cost of the program. ; )

It shows you how you can instantly enhance your life.

It leads you to how you can strengthen your contribution to life and thereby increase your income. Clearly, you’ll love this.

Remember, this is guaranteed. If within 30 days, you don’t like the program, ask for your money back.

And you get a 30-day complementary membership in Body & Soul Mentor website where you have access to every Laser Focused Report, Life Giving Manual, and Program I have written or will write as long as you’re a member.

You can find out all you need in order to decide to buy it or not here

Go for it =>

Time’s Running Out… extended because of bank errors...

Your best opportunity ends at 6:00 PM PDT (GMT -7:00) Thursday August 6th, 2009. (After that the price reverts to it’s regular price of $97 with no membership.)

You can find out all you need in order to decide to buy it or not here

Go for it =>

May you live long and prosper,


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