Monday, July 20, 2009

A challenging inquiry about the Get Wealthy First Program from a reader…

Here’s a challenging inquiry about the Get Wealthy First Program from a reader –

Greetings William,

On the Get Wealthy First video page, you ask for
the biggest question or problem we’d like addressed in the GWF Program.
Mine concerns the immediate ‘push-back’ I get from the wounded,
no-longer-innocent part of me that says “Yeah, OK, that’s nice and you’re
feeling wondrous and wealthy now, but you know you’re going to experience pain
again and again in the future. So best not to go off into
fantasy-world.” I can therefore never let myself feel completely the
appreciation and beauty and wealth of the moment. Depending on my phase,
the moment can become either bittersweet, sad or bitter.

appreciate your thoughts on this.

Wishing you a wonder-full


Great question! Everyone has this problem. I know it may be hard to believe, but many feel this way, too. You may not know because people don’t talk about it.

My evidence that it is so is this short poem by Rumi from page 31 of the Get Wealthy First Program Manual –

Today, like every other day, we wake up empty and frightened. Don’t open
the door to the study and begin reading (that is - go to your job). Take
down a musical instrument.

I have a whole section of the manual addressing this problem many people face. Rumi points the way in the last sentence – sounds like Get Wealthy First doesn’t it?

And I hear you saying…

“Isn’t this ‘just stopping and smelling the roses’ or ‘the best things in life are free?’”

Sure. And the technology of The Get Wealthy First Program takes these time honored truths and turbo charges them, expands them into something that brings you closer to genuine enlightenment.

With the program, you not only get a bigger impact and that more frequently, clearly, you also get something qualitatively extraordinary as different as the lightning bug is from lightning.



P.S. Please, please, please go to the blog and leave your responses.

P.P.S Not sure what we’re talking about?


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