You Can Learn the Magical Healing Panacea
Recently, I needed some help with my bladder and prostate… too much information? I turned to my first love – Foot Reflexology to handle the problem.
Really, my first love is magic. But when I first met Foot Reflexology back in 1973, the therapist diagnosed all sorts of cool things that confirmed what the doctor had said. How did he know? I felt confident that reflexology was magic. I still feel that way.
Here’s why you might think Reflexology exhibits wonders
· You can heal yourself when you travel. This is crucial if you travel – it’s portable.
· You can heal and assist the healing of anything and everything you or a family member has. It is a true panacea.
· You can learn it easily. Suzanne taught our 5 year old to work on her. Hoo ha! Good news.
· It’s mysterious. No-one really knows why it works. Therefore, it’s cool.
· It feels good and fun to do. Some say they crave it.
· You will feel relaxed from its effects. Or, weirdly enough, energized.
· You can impress your friends with the magic.
· Quadruple the effects of the other therapy work you engage in. I made up that number, but it does make every other modality work better.
· You can stop colds and flu in their tracks. Help your family and friends.
· You can boost your immune system.
· You can diagnose problems at the very beginning making them easier to handle.
Fee: $37. You can reserve your place by calling me or emailing me and then sending me your check.
Or by credit card or PayPal here =>
When: 9:00- Noon. Saturday, December 6th, 2008 at my flat on Alki Ave. SW overlooking the bay.
Who: William Wittmann, M.Ed., LMP
Questions: 206.328.2073
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