Thursday, December 06, 2007

Cool Way to Stretch
Your Story Telling Muscles

Write an exactly 50-word mini saga. I hear this can become quite addictive. I enjoyed writing this one, it’s a memoir --


Predawn, on the dock, overlooking the Sound, I see Orion rising over the hill behind our condominium for the first time this season. I recall this was Dad’s code name during the war – the hunter – recovering looted Nazi art. I am saddened I never heard those stories from my father. (50 words.)

Certainly, you can write your mini-saga longhand. The more intimate the saga the better it lends itself to handwriting. Handwriting may also bring you more into the present than keyboarding.

Play with it. Experiment.

I like MS Word because it’s easy to track how many words I’ve composed using its word count tool. It even has a toolbar you can use to keep a quick count.

What would your life be like if you wrote one a day for a month?

This idea for the 50-word mini saga comes from A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future by Daniel Pink. Enjoy the book.



P.S. Pass this post on to anyone who you think would
Prosper & enjoy these wonderful insights.

Alluring Paradigms Explored in this Story:

· Upgrade Your Right Brain – Story, Meaning
· Simple Is Sophisticated
· And a bit of Spaceship Earth

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