Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Getting Serene, a Story

My friend Dr. Alexandra Gayak of the Science of Being Well website wrote this lovely story about getting Simply Serene. Read on -
Yesterday I was having a rare bad day. Really bad. But I had promised my dear friend William to let you know about his book give-away. That meant I promised myself to re-read the book I remembered loving when he first wrote it three years ago, and write a fresh review. 

To my intelligent side, this would be an obvious solution to the state I'd gotten myself into. 

To my emotional side, there was no way it could help. 

I wasn't in the mood. Too attached to feeling miserable. 

It got me anyway. 

Tenderly, William's gentle writing pulled me completely out of my painful, sad, angry state.  

The book, "Simply Serene" promises to teach four skills to bring you to a thoroughly serene state.
The title doesn't hint at the dozens of tools beyond the basic four. It's more like a whole course than an ebook, yet you can read it in an hour or two. 


I felt peaceful just by reading about the skills. I found I couldn't resist practicing them as I was reading.  

My tears had dried up before I finished the introduction. This, despite all my resistance. (Have you ever had that irritable reaction against help just when you need it most?) 

It's 12 hours later. I went to bed feeling peaceful.
Had nice dreams. Woke feeling better than I've felt in a long time. Maybe you will have this experience, too. 

What is it about this book? 

For starts, there aren't any "shoulds" to resist. No long lists of things to add to your already overloaded life. No big secrets. Nothing hard to learn.  

Just very simple different ways of doing some basic things you already do. 

You're invited. 

And, for the next two days, until midnight Pacific Time, March 13, this priceless little book is free.

After that, it's a bargain at any price. 



To your peace and serenity,
Dr. Alexandra Gayek 

P.S. Who is William? 

William Wittmann is my dear friend and colleague of many years who understands my excitement at the magic of lightning bugs in the meadow on a summer evening, why I could spend all day sitting on a log by a frozen lake in the mountains watching the snow melt off the trees, or what it meant that Guatemala beckoned me like a big luscious red flower beckons a hummingbird. 

He's the bodyworker who can pull on my toe and make my neck stop hurting, help me see my right path by the way my whole body lights up when I talk about it. He was teaching people about the works of Wallace Wattles 25 years ago. Takes a sabbatical for a week every month to visit beautiful wild places.  

He's an artist, writer, wise friend committed to the journey. 

Even if you've read any of his books in the past, please give yourself the gift of reading this one again. 

At midnight PDT, March 13th 2013 the free download giveaway of Simply Serene: How to Calm Down, Reduce Stress, Deal with Stress, and Be Instantly Alert and at Peace will end.  People from all over have taken advantage of it. 

Go for it.  => Simply Serene 

Missed the free download?  It’s still a huge value. 

: )
Walk in beauty,



Monday, March 11, 2013

Want Serenity? This Free Book Has It All

Press Release for Simply Serene
Seattle, WA – March 9, 2013. The book, Simply Serene: How to Calm Down, Reduce Stress, Deal with Stress, and Be Instantly Alert and at Peace has it all, that is, if you want to reduce stress and feel serene in your everyday life?  Author, life coach William Wittmann, is giving the book away for the next five days only.  

Wittmann is giving the book away free starting today and running five days until 11:59 PST on March 13th.  You can download it here at no cost. 

Wittmann says, “I packed this book with everything I knew about how people could be more serene in their lives.  How they could beat stress.” 

He continued, “I even have a section called the Magic Formula that helps people attract the life they want.  I later expanded the section into its own book, but Simply Serene has all you need.” 

One reader said, “In this hectic, frantic, world filled with "fear messages" and craziness...Serenity is something I strive for on a daily basis. Having a tool like "Simply Serene" is a must. What a wonderful "tool book". The gifts inside this treasure will help everyone. "Owl Eyes" is my FAVORITE way to get present....quickly.” 

And another smiled, “Simply Serene is a fast read yet will give you years of a better quality of life. I use the Ericksonian Relaxation Technique on a regular basis to bring down my blood pressure (literally) and to tame all those anxieties that surface at 3am. 

“Belly breathing is better than counting to ten when I'm feeling besieged at work and Owl Eyes is just plain fun to do, especially if you can go outside. William's book is a totally positive experience - try it, you'll like it!” 

Wittmann, who has practiced as a CranialSacral therapist and Life Coach for decades, says he wrote the book to help his clients live a life they loved wholeheartedly, body and soul.  Mostly, he states, “I wanted this to be easy for people to try and to use so they could get the benefits.”  His readers think he has done that.

Give it a whirl this spring. 

You can read more details on Wittmann’s blog  

You can read more about Wittmann’s practice at


Sunday, March 10, 2013

What’s the Most Import Technology I Have Learned in My Life?

Today, I realized, Owl Eyes takes the tops spot for most import technology I’ve learned in my life. 

Before I tell you why, let me remind you that  I attended high school, college, graduate schools, massage school, and countless workshops. 

I read numberless books. 

I have studied with world class spiritual teachers and healers. 

I have been married for over forty years and had children for over forty years. 

So, when I say Owl Eyes holds a dear spot in my heart, I mean it.  Pay attention. 

Here’s why: 

In a brief few moments, Owl Eyes allows me to quiet my mind, to enjoy peace of mind, and to experience for moments being one with all life.  People call this experience enlightenment.  Not bad, eh?

I have made the Owl Eyes and Owl Ears technology available to you in three of my books.  Simply Serene: How to Calm Down, Reduce Stress, Deal with Stress, and Be Instantly Alert and at Peace has a wonderful version of it.  I tell the story of how I learned it over a smoky campfire with Jon Young, founder of Wilderness Awareness School. 

I’m giving Simply Serene away… 

Until midnight March 13th, 2013, you can get Simply Serene for freee HERE.  After that the book reverts to its normal price – obviously, still a huge value and you’ll certainly benefit.  

Go for it => Simply Serene 

Read more about why I’m giving it away  in this POST. 

Why the name Owl Eyes?  Owl Eyes gets its name for wonderful reasons you can read in my book.
: ) 

Walk in beauty, 


P.S. You don’t need a Kindle to read Kindle books.  You can get the software to read Simply Serene from Amazon HERE. 

Again, you can get Simply Serene HERE. 

 P.P.S. Do pass this on to people, it will bless their lives.

Saturday, March 09, 2013

The Reader Bonus Giveaway of Simply Serene Is Live Now

And tell your friends, please. Let's get the book out there.  

They have until Midnight, Pacifica Coast Time, March 13th 2013 to get it. 

Find out more HERE  

Or send them straight to Simply Serene's Amazon download page 

Walk in beauty, 


P.S. Go for it. Obviously. Amazon download page 

P.P.S. Please post to Facebook, et. Al., and pass on to your friends.