Thursday, July 31, 2008

How Optical Illusions Help You Eat Well

How can air in food make you more satisfied – make you eat less? How can it curb a tendency to be fat, or reverse a trend?

Can it? Turns out – yes.

Feed a hungry college student a half glass full of smoothie and they will eat 20% more at lunch ½ later than the college student who drinks the SAME smoothie only whipped until it swells to a full glass with air. Not only that, but the ones that eat the airy smoothie don’t make it up at their next meal.

My brother, John, and my food guru, Dick, have both recommended Mindless Eating and Volumetrics to you and me. I finally read them. Actually, John recommends listening to Mindless Eating as a book on tape, so that’s what I did. I recommend it.

Listen to get the fun of it and the flavor of it. Then get the book to read the summaries of what to do.

Both titles don’t really work to tell you their messages. The subtitle of Volumetrics is great – Feel Full On Fewer Calories. I’d rewrite that to read – Feel Satisfied on Fewer Calories.

It’s not my job to re-title these excellent books. Mindless Eating deals with how our brains are tricked to eat more than we want by other visual cues and often by genuine optical illusions.

You could summarize Volumetrics – We don’t eat calories, we eat size, volume. We are stratified by greater volume and not necessarily by greater calories. Satisfied means you eat less, means you lose fat and still feel, well, satisfied.

These are not deprivation diet books. DEPRIVATION DIETS DON’T WORK. And need I say, not fun.

The two cheapest ingredients in food are water and air. Adding air or water is the simplest way to feel more satisfied with no additional calories. You read about air in the smoothie above. Soup is food with water added. Raisins are grapes with water removed.

Let’s see what that does for you…


Which is more satisfying. ¼ cup of raisins or nearly 2 cups of grapes (50 ml or 500 ml). The metric numbers makes the size difference even more startling. Exact same number of calories. Exact same food. One has water; one doesn’t.

Which would you choose if you wanted to feel most satisfied?

Yep, me too.

Soup is the Free Lunch of Satisfaction

I live on good soup, not words. – Molière

Even though soup is mostly water, you and your body perceive it as food. This is very counter intuitive to me.

Proof? Give people a 270 calorie chicken-rice casserole and a glass of water as a first course to a luncheon.

Give another group the same casserole with the water added to it to make it a soup. Check both groups to see how much they ate for the rest of lunch.

The soup people ate 100 calories less of the lunch that followed and didn’t make up the loss at dinner. Cool, yes! Soup created more satiety, satisfaction. Other experiments showed that chunky soup creates more satisfaction than strained soup. And hot and cold soups both create the same benefits.

You can read the physiology in the books if you’re interested. But this seems like magic to me.

Bag the Peanut Butter

I over eat peanut butter; it is one of the highest density foods you can find. If I eat volume, then you have to eat a mountain of calories to get a decent volume.

If I lived alone, I would just not bring it into the house. Obviously you can use this useful tip for all your trigger foods. Since I live with the Mysterious Madame Ling, who likes peanut butter on apples, I simply put the peanut butter in a brown paper bag.

Not only is this -- Out of sight, out of mind -- it puts inconvenience into the circuit making it harder to mindlessly eat.

Note: You may be and I am on a seafood diet, I eat everything I see. Out of sight, out of mind.

Eating Out? Eat This, Not That

Men’s Health magazine food editor, David Zinczenko, has written a book that works with some of the same ideas, but he takes it into the world of eating out in America. If you live outside the USA, these examples can still be instructive.

John shared this one with me -- Baskin-Robins’ Banana split or Dairy Queen’s?

I will just tease you. Go to the site or get the magazine to see which one.

This page deals with drinks. Check the classic cocktail for a shock.

OK, One Optical Illusion

People perceive tall as more than short.

Remember the optical illusion from childhood of the upside down T. They ask which is longer – the horizontal part or the vertical section.

People say the vertical is up to 20% taller when they are in fact the same length. (The illusion is so strong for me, that I got out a ruler and tested it.)

Tall thin glasses will have you drinking less wine, juice, or Coke. And again, you will feel satisfied. Remove the short squat glasses from your life, unless you want to increase your consumption of water, then the idea works in your favor. I drink water out of a Bavarian beer mug.


If you have people in your family who need to monitor fat gain, get the books, read them, and then apply the tricks.

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Your chance to join Body & Soul Mentor ends 9:00 PM PDT August 1st.

Go for it =>

Remember when you become a member, you get these books, manuals, and Laser Focused reports as part of your monthly membership:

The Wholesome Entrepreneur – $27

Altar Making – $Priceless

Amazingly Content -- How to Be In Love with All You See & Hear, and Be In Harmony With Family, Friends & Work –$19.97

FOOLPROOF RELAXATION -- How to Relax, Become Present, and Be At Ease Anytime and Anywhere You Want. – $9.97

Simply Serene - Four Amazingly Powerful Ways To Be Instantly Alert And At Peace – $27

Looking Deeply Into Presence – Solve Problems, Make Critical Decisions, and Create an Extraordinarily Rich Life – $17.97

The Magic Formula –How to Magically Attract the Life You Most Want – $19.97 (Note: I just doubled the price on this gem.)

And don’t forget the COMING ATTRACTIONS that members will also get as part of their monthly fee. You can read about them in the right sidebar at

Total that up and you’ll find it’s a bunch of value for only $9.97 a month.

Again, your chance to join Body & Soul Mentor ends 9:00 PM PDT August 1st.

Go for it =>

Eat well,


P.S. If you haven’t read the Magic Formula, clearly, this would be a good time. It shows you How to Magically Attract the Life You Most Want that includes the healthy body you want.

What would your life be like if you loved your body?

Go for it =>

And, of course, if you’re a member, getting the MAGIC FORMULA is one of your benefits.

Again, your chance to join Body & Soul Mentor ends 9:00 PM PDT August 1st.

Go for it =>

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Biggest Concerns

Here are the two biggest concerns I hear from people about joining Body & Soul Mentor.

I have no time.

I hate reading on a computer.

I don’t have time …

A concern of some folks is the old time thing. “I don’t have time,” they say.

“Who does?

Well, actually, you have enough time for this.”

Because of two things, you’ll get your money’s worth.

1) I have priced this so that there will be no financial barrier to joining.

2) I have compacted so much value in this sight that even if you apply the minimum of 17 minutes a day you’ll get your money’s worth.

Just nose around Body & Soul Mentor until you find the article, the podcast, the Laser Focused report, the forum that sparks a single insight. You can live on one or two great insights a month. You can skim the regular and prized letters I send – scanning for the gem that changes everything…

I will give you more tips on how to do this when you join.

3) If you don’t have 17 minutes a day, join and find out how to get more time.

I Hate Reading on the Computer

I am with you there. Short articles and videos are just great on the computer. Don’t you agree? But for longer pieces, I want to print it and head to my favorite reading spot.

All the articles on Body & Soul Mentor have a print friendly link at the bottom of the page. Use it.

All my books, manuals, and Laser Focused reports, which are intentionally shorter than 20 pages, come as Adobe Acrobat files and can be easily and beautifully printed, even bound.

Lastly, for non-reading altogether, I have podcasts for members. You may have listened to the Pilgrimage one. If not, you can get it here.



Good Surprise

The underlying question of people in the above two concerns is – Will I get my money’s worth?

I say, “Yes.” Here’s why – price.

I want you to get the very best value I can offer. And I don’t want money to stand in your way.

That is why after weeks of pondering, I decided to keep the price for membership at $9.97/month instead of $17.97 even though there is HUGELY more value in the site now after this HUMONGOUS upgrade.

In fact, I am going to bet that people like you will like the sight so much once they try it that they happily will continue being members for years.

That is why I am going to offer the first month at the token price of $1.00.

Be sure to be first in line to be one of the 200 new members.

Go here Thursday morning, July 24th at 6:00 AM PDT.



Go to to look at everything you’ll get when you join. You can watch timer countdown to the opening…

And Tomorrow, July 24, 2008 at 6:00 AM PDT I’ll open the doors for the first 200 people to come join. Then I close the doors for at least a month to see if I can manage the new folks along with the current members.

Take your time in considering. Carefully Read the whole letter I wrote at I don’t think all 200 places will disappear in a shot. Consider wisely. Take your time.

In any case, at the end of the week, August 1, 2008 at 9:00 PM PDT. I will close the doors.

Note: I reserve the right to close the doors for any other unforeseen reason. Very unlikely, but that’s the nature of unforeseen events.



Monday, July 21, 2008

Fear Reframed

A famous British stage actor used to be horribly frightened before each performance.

One day someone kindly inquired, “How’s your body feel when you’re about to go on stage, when you say you have stage fright? What are the sensations you feel. Just what your senses tell you. Don’t label the sensations.”

“Hmm,” he pondered. “Well, my heart’s racing, I’m breathing high up in my body. I’m on edge…”

“And how do you feel when you’re excited?” his friend continued.

“Oh! It’s the same.”

So, from thenceforth, whenever he was preparing to go on stage and the old stage fright would ramp up, he would just say, “Jeepers, I’m excited.” And he’d be fine.

Try it the next time you’re feeling fear about a new adventure. Just say to yourself, “Holy moly, I’m excited.”



P.S. Woof! That’s me doing a lot of heavy lifting UPGRADING Body & Soul Mentor. I am really close to launching the site on the July 24th at 6:00 AM PDT.

A favor: although, I think Body & Soul Mentor site it terrific, I want to be sure I have included everything you might want.

I have all my books, Laser Focused reports, and manuals on the site available to members at zero cost.

I have the new videos posted. (Many wrote about how much they liked the last one on Dave’s Knee.)

Moving, powerful podcasts are available for members.

You’ll find the stories and articles are organized beautifully. I have IMPROVED guided tours available to make it easy for people to get around.

In short, there are lots of goodies available to members who will be glad to pay the low monthly fee of $14.97 or $17.97… I haven’t decided yet.

But, this is where you come in… please take a couple of minutes to respond to this SUPER SHORT survey. Really. There are only two questions I need you to answer.

I you would be so kind


P.P.S. Please pass this post on to anyone you think might benefit from it.

Monday, July 14, 2008

What Are You Hungry For?

Sometimes, I find it hard to tell when I’m really hungry for nutrients as opposed to being emotionally hungry.

I have been on a long journey to heal some early wounds around eating. I am much recovered. Because I like to explore my edges and live outside my comfort zone, I still find it difficult. Obviously, living outside your comfort zone, can trigger emotions.

I found this list from Mindless Eating comparing physical hunger to emotional hunger, helped me, you might find it useful, too.

Physical Hunger

Builds gradually
Strikes below the neck, e.g. growling stomach
Occurs several hours after a meal
Goes away when full
Eating leads to feeling of satisfaction

Emotional Hunger on the other Hand…

Develops suddenly
Above the neck e.g. a taste for ice cream
Unrelated to time
Persists despite fullness
Eating leads to guilt and shame


The Body and Soul Mentor web site humongous UPGRADE continues…

All my Laser Focused reports e.g. Amazingly Content (, are ready for download to members at no charge. Hoo ha!

And so are my lovely manuals including Simply Serene - Four Amazingly Powerful Ways to Be Instantly Alert and at Peace (

Members love this huge benefit.

One of the really cool things about the internet is you get to meet people from all over the world. I now have members from –

· Netherlands
· UK
· New Zealand
· South Africa
· Canada
· Australia
· Portugal
· Dominican Republic
· Germany
· Norway

Is that cool or what?

If you want the inside track on information for becoming a member and to get on the no-obligation waiting list, go to The Journey Begins

I’ll keep you posted and you get the wonderful podcast with Beverly Cook talking about pilgrimage. It’s cool.



P.S. Stay tuned for more news about the goodies to come on the web site. Remember you can’t join until 6:00 AM PDT, July 24th, 2008 when the doors open for one week or until 200 new members join us. Why only 200? I want to be sure I can take care of people on the site before I let any more in. Smart, huh.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

The Journey Begins

The Journey Begins

The doors are closed to new members on Body and Soul Mentor web site.


Now I’m into the huge, Humongous UPGRADE. Double woof! I have tons of work to do.


I’ll be opening doors for new members for one week starting, 6:00 AM PDT July 24th.

I will close them on Midnight August 1st 2008 EDT.


I will close the doors when I have 200 new members if that happens before the August 1st cut off.

And I reserve the right to close the doors for any reason that I can’t foresee now.

Why the limit of only 200 new members? I am only one guy here in Seattle maintaining a private practice, running a real life, and I want to be sure I can truly help the members and not be overwhelmed. I won’t reopen the site to new members for at least a month or two after we see how it goes.

Fair enough?


I have great plans, and I’m sure more will be added as members make suggestions.

Here are the goodies I know you’ll get.


I’ll be adding podcasts on a regular basis that you can download and listen to in your car or while you’re doing the laundry and such. Or listen to on your computer. These will mostly be revealing conversations with amazing people on the journey, too.

You will be amazed who I know. One friend said about me, “He talks to giants.” I humbly submit, it’s true.

The first one is with Beverly Cook about her pilgrimage to the holy route in Spain. See below for how to get it today.


I’ll be adding videos, because some things are much better explained with pictures. You’re smart so you know this.

Have you ever said, “Hey, let me just show you… It will be faster.”

I have.

Now, I can just show you. I’ve mastered the Flip Ultra video camera which makes it a snap.

The one for how to stop headaches is quite useful. One viewer with a headache saw it, applied it, and Poof no more headache. Too cool!

You’ll be delighted with the usefulness of these videos.

Oh, and they’re short. The headache one is 1:21 minutes. This helps me to honor the 17 minutes a day promise, right?

“Give me seventeen minutes a day, and I'll show you how you can get a life you love – Body & Soul -- or your money back."


All my books, manuals, and Laser Focused reports will be free to members. YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS THIS ONE.


Since everything on my site relates to being on a quest, a hero’s journey, a heroine’s journey, what better introduction than to listen to a conversation with Beverly Cook, LMP, a real heroine on a real journey –.
Get on this waiting list. I won’t obligate you to joining, just keep you informed.

When you get my Conversation with Beverly podcast, I’ll keep you up to date on how you can get access to the goodies by join the membership of heroes and heroines on the journey.

People who were present at the conversation with Bev were blown away, inspired, and moved.

What is the value of pilgrimage in your quest for the sacred in your life?

You get to listen to Beverly and me talk about her recently completed Camino pilgrimage, the ancient pilgrim route in northern Spain known as El Camino de Santiago.

By the way, this podcast is a good example of what you’ll find on the web site every day for free, exclusively to members.

It’s free.

Go for it =>

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

How Do You Mix Ho’oponopono with Tolle?

Emily, a reader of Amazingly Content (, asks this great question. I thought I’d share it with you.

Dear William,

I am reading your ebook Amazingly Content. I already knew about ho’oponopono from Joe Vitale and Dr Len but it's great to hear the inspiring stories in your ebook and more information about how to apply it.

I have some questions on using ho'oponopono.

Recently I have been looking into the material of Eckhart Tolle and others who teach being in the present, in the now. I would like to continue to do ho'oponopono but am unsure how to do that whilst tuning into space and silence. Perhaps it's not necessary to be saying the phrases all the time?

I also find it difficult to clean at the same time as talking to someone or doing something that requires concentration. I would be very grateful if you could answer these questions for me.

Thank you.

Best wishes,

Emily from the UK


Good question, yes?

The truth is that all of these methods are art forms, like jazz. You have a theme, and then you improvise.

It is not necessary to use the four phrases of ho’oponopono all the time. It just helps. Presence is your big goal. Here’s why.

When you are present, you love. When you are present, you are reconciled with all that is. That’s the way presence works. You get Presence and you get love, gratitude, reconciliation. And aren’t these the goals of Ho’oponopono – to love God and be reconciled with everyone and everything?

So being present, in any way you can manage it, is one’s primary task. Tolle says that explicitly in A New Earth. Be conscious, be present then do any work in the world you want from that place. The Tao Te Ching said the same thing 2500 years ago, right?

Having said that, when I am angry, resentful, jealous, spiteful, complaining or obsessively needing to be right, ho’oponopono is the best I can manage. It brings me back to sanity. Remember one of the primary virtues of ho’oponopono is you don’t need to know what to do, you don’t have to believe anything, you just humbly invoke the process, say the phrases, and it does the work.

You may notice that sooner or later ho’oponopono returns you to the present.

Having said that, being present before you use ho’oponopono, makes ho’oponopono work better. One could use the methods in Foolproof Relaxation ( or any other presencing technique to cool down and get present, then slide into some ho’oponopono.


If you can be present, then that’s what you do first. If when you are present, your entire disharmony fades, then you’re done.

If you can’t be present easily, use ho’oponopono.

If you have fear, use presencing techniques.

When you want to pray for someone, use ho’oponopono

I can repeat -- I love you – all the time.


Saying the phrases of ho’oponopono while being with someone can be difficult. Practice.

Saying the phrases of ho’oponopono while performing a task can be difficult. Practice. I use it while doing complicated cranialsacral therapy all the time. You can learn to use the phrases while working, too.

When it gets in the way of you’re being present to someone or something, just be present and listen to them, see them. Presence trumps everything.

Ho’oponopono is an attitude as well as a process. Just listen with love and respect and you will be doing ho’oponopono even if you’re not uttering the phrases.

You can mix your tools to get the job done. Experiment and you will gradually learn what works best for you and in which situations.

Thanks Emily.



P.S. LAST CHANCE. The special offer of a month’s membership to Body & Soul Mentor without cost when you get either Foolproof Relaxation or Amazingly Content, ends Midnight July 9, 2008.

You can get them here.

Go for it –



Thursday, July 03, 2008

Obviously, Not True…

A reader wrote this about my Laser Focused report Amazingly Content.

Since this Ho’oponopono thing is so obviously not true,I'm going to have to take advantage of your guarantee.If it is true, then prove it by using it yourself to change my mind about asking for this refund. See, it ain't true!

Isn’t that sweet? I smiled and cheerfully refunded his money. I didn’t try to change his mind. Amazingly enough, I am content.

But the truth is, I understand what he’s saying. Ho’oponopono, the method in the report, is obviously untrue. How could it be otherwise? When I read Dr. Len’s miraculous story, I thought, “Hmmm.”

I trusted Joe Vitale who told me about it. You can read his famous email in the report.

Part of Joe’s story is that he didn’t believe it either. He researched it at length. He had telephone conversations with Dr. Len. Eventually, they met. Still it took Joe a long time to get it.

Even though I trust Joe, I researched it, too. I think I read everything that Joe wrote about it, and yet I was still skeptical. Because I don’t understand it, I am still skeptical. I do note that it works. I don’t let my skepticism get in the way of receiving the benefits of being in love with everyone and everything.

I Test Everything

Did you know I graduated in Engineering and Applied Physics from Harvard? I like to test stuff.

You may know that before I tell you to try anything, I have tested it first in my own life. Then I refine the tests in the laboratory of my friends, family, and patients. If it passes those tests, I tell you. It passed all those tests and I wrote Amazingly Content for you. (

Now, I travel around being in love with everything and everyone. And I feel Amazingly Content. (

And don’t let Suzanne Burroughs know that it’s not true, it’s working too well for her. See below for her report.

Obviously, not true?