Here’s another trick from Eckhart Tolle to get present when the phone rings. It’s especially useful if you work in an office setting.
Studies show that a ringing phone bugs people -- too many rings in the day creates a stressful hazard. Here’s the antidote…
When your phone rings, don’t answer it. That is a radical choice right there. I have used this effectively in the past to create vast realms of freedom. Experiment with this one.
But that’s not Tolle, that’s me. Here’s what he suggests:
Let it ring once, twice, or thrice while you listen to it fully. Be present to the sound. Feel your body as you listen. Notice your breath. Listened to with full attention, without resistance, even a leaf blower becomes sacred. A telephone is a piece of cake.
Now answer the phone.
Cool. Don’t be surprised if you’re laughing when you answer it. Play with it you will be amazed at how fun this becomes.
P.S. Simply Serene - Four Amazingly Powerful Ways to Be Instantly Alert and at Peace will serve you well if you want some guaranteed ways to become present. I talk about the famous Owl Eyes in depth in this one.
Go for it = >
P.S. S. Pass this post on to anyone who you think would
Prosper & enjoy these wonderful insights.